Man I just love your writing and topic matter. Such artistry to your speech! I would really like to share this with many people here in Aotearoa.

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15Liked by Ayoto

"What I discovered was the disturbing realisation that I too, was chained."

There is always this hierarchy of thought in every country's society aye, which then creates the dissenting class of humans who don't want the prescribed existential formula. Cue gaslighting by public opinion and subsequent inner moral turmoil. The empathic nature of one's own moral stance should quell the latter, but it never quite does when betwixt the herd!

I'm also witnessing a change in the gatherings of subcultures I associate with in Aotearoa. Conceit in one's image is a subliminal disease, even in those subcultures that spurn other lifestyles as materialistic. It seems to take over empathic tendencies in subcultures that espouse humanitarian/ environmental/ other forms of activism, which is a huge problem.

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Feels like you put so much effort and aroha into consolidating your thoughts in the most eloquent way.

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Thank you for your reflections and kind words. I'm happy that it resonates with you, and I hope to hear what comes from the people in Aotearoa.

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